Saturday, January 28, 2012

Siena and San Gimignano

Today we woke up at the crack of dawn aka 6:45 for another day trip organized by the school. I wasn't sure what to expect because I haven't really heard or researched much on these two places but they are part of Tuscany so I was interested.

In Siena we saw a beautiful Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta. Our tour guide was Steffano again and he told us all about how this Catherdral was supposed to be the largest one in all of Italy but when Siena got the plague half of the population died off and they had no one or a need to continue building the church. however, it still was so big. The part that was left open was made into a museum and There was a ledge that came out to a panoramic view of Siena which I was excited to see. We also saw the Battistero, which was a lot smaller then I expected but it was a great meeting spot for renaissance sculptors as I was told.

After we saw the church and baptistery we walked up to the panoramic view. The stairs spiraled all the way up many feet. I was scared and holding on for dear life. One of my roommates is scared of heights and I thought she was going to pass out. The view was absouletly to die for just like any other view I have seen in Italy. The views of the countryside in the far background are breathetaking. We all took a millon pictures like usual.

The Panaramic View

Then we went to lunch and Steffano decided to take us 8 to a cute little restaurant called L'osteria la Piana. I decided not to get a horrible lunch like the last week and go for something different then pasta. I got Tuscan soup which was delicious. It was nice to change it up. There also was a cute little dog right next to our table sitting on a chair and didn't say one peep. It still shocks me that dogs are allowed to walk into restaurants and stores with their owners. They also Rome the cities without leashes and just follow their owners. I wish I could teach Leo to do that (I MISS HIM SO MUCH)!

Then we took a short ride to San Gimignano. This place was more just to walk around and tour a Medieval Town. The views weren't as spectacular but it still was nice to see something different and less busy then a Florence type city. 
This was the little puppy next to us at the table. so adorable. 

The Crew. 

When we got back I made some sausage and peppers with roasted potatoes. I'm getting very good at cooking. Christy calls me her mom because I make dinner every night but I enjoy it alot. After we went out to the bar we went to the first night called Lion's Fountain which is the American bar. It was fun but these long days wipe me out. I'm back early and going to bed.... night.

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