Tuesday, January 17, 2012

on to the next day..

Today was boring and cold but no snow. I was sad to see everyone tweets about the snow :( I bet I won't see it this year unless I go to the Swiss Alps which the planning of that trip is in the works. I didn't have class until 11 am so I got to sleep in a bit later. I had History and Culture of Food which should be very interesting because he explained to us today that what most people think is Italian and really just Italian American for example Pasta with tomato sauce. However, we go on trips to taste local food and he also brings some in for class which is interesting. The professor is a dutch guy so he sounds like he's straight out of the movie BeerFest and says "Ya" after every single sentence. It's quite entertaining.

Then I had photo which I was super excited for and now that I had to class I'm even more stoked. It's an intro class but I think I'll get a lot of great shoots with all the art work around me. It's going to cost 100 extra Euros for supplies but I think it's so worth it.... following in my moms footsteps :)

Everyday we have Italian so today in class we learned the numbers and letters which is basic and pretty easy. We always get like four or five exercises for homework though. It's actually a lot of work so far and I still feel like I'm on vacation so it's going to be hard to adjust to this "reading" stuff. Hopefully it gets more active in classes.

Tonight I made myself spaghetti with veggies and balsamic. I'm getting very good at teaching myself portions and to eat healthy. But then I splurged and got myself some caffe' gelato which is coffee flavor and it was awesome. It wasn't from the most recommended place but it was within a minute from my apartment and only 1.50 Euro for a one scoop cone. Nom Nom Nom.

After I went to meet up with my friends Morgan, Kelsey, Michelle, and Francesca who I met on the airplane and at UCONN before we came. I haven't seen them at all because we live on opposite side but they were planning trips and I wanted to see what they were planning. There are a few places like Paris, Prague, and Greece that we want to do together but it's so hard to plan with 10 people wanted to go. I got super excited though that the travels have officially begun!! Bueno Notte Bellas!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having fun. Venice that is where you need to go to. The dr in my office has a place in Prague. I can ask him to give me some ideas for you. You are going to hate pasta when you get home.
