Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A new week

So yesterday we had no Internet all night which was actually quite refreshing... but I did not get to blog.

Monday wasn't too exciting. I had my normal classes Villa and the Garden and Italian. In my Villa class we went to visit the Palazzo Medici which was actually very interesting. They were the first people to create a palace in Firenze. They were the first thing people would stop and see on the way into Firenze. They were merchants who became nobles through marriage. We got to walk through the palace while our teacher told us all about the history and background.

Monday night we had our weekly family dinner. Anna was cooking this week and she made tortellini soup with vegetables. It was so Delicious!! It had carrots, onions, tortellini, broth, and broccoli in it. With some bread it was to die for.

Today wasn't too different. I had three classes. My history of food, photo, and Italian. In food class we went to the central market to see what was made and sold there. We had to try many things our teacher got for us. Two of my roommates have the class on Mondays so we knew what we were going to be tasting... cow stomach. I knew that's what we were eating so I was very hesitant. I was the first one though to grab a toothpick and pick a piece. It wasn't bad with flavor but the texture just made it so gross. It felt like squid and all chewy. YUCK! Then in the market we saw all parts of animals since the Italians use all the part. For example, we saw a pigs legs wrapped up with the toe nails still on them and everything. My stomach was rumbling the whole time.

Then I had an hour before my next class and I was far from my apartment so I sat a Piazza Della Repubblica which is in the middle of the city, one of the main Piazza's. I packed a sandwich and crackers in the morning and sat by the carousel and ate them. Even though I was sitting by myself on the bench it was so peaceful and wonderful to sit in the sun and people watch.

Photo class hasn't really been interesting yet, we start shooting on Thursday along with my first quiz here! We'll see how that goes.

Then for dinner we went to an appretivo. This is when you buy a drink and you get unlimited food that they have set out. They are mainly pick on food which we didn't know so next time we should probably eat before. There were little sandwiches, spaghetti, and bread along with some other things. After we went to beer pong at Red Garter which is the American bar. I only stayed for a little but it was nice to see a bunch of Americans. Made me feel at home. xoxo Ciaooooo!

1 comment:

  1. Love you. I would not eat that either. Don't tell Nikki she may not eat for 20 days there. Email luca please. Love ya you will be waking up soon and I am just getting to sleep.
