Sunday, January 22, 2012

So yesterday I had no time to blog because it was the longest day of myself. Today is a more relaxed day and it has been awesome. We went on a preplanned trip to Pisa and Lucca with the school and a tour guide names Stefano. He was literally awesome and knew so much about what he was showing us. We had to wake up at 6:30 am because the bus left at 8am. Getting up at that time was the most brutal thing yet though, it was so cold in the morning and I didn't want to roll out of bed to put actual clothes on. Oh how I miss wearing my sweatpants everyday. However, the trip was absolutely amazing and so worth the waking up and 50$. 

First we took an hour bus ride into Pisa. I took a quick catnap to refresh myself. When we walked in the view that I saw was so amazing. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen. We could see the leaning tower, museum, and church. It felt so real but yet so unreal at the same time. I never thought I'd ever see these things so up close and personal. We got to walk around and get coffee and pastries before we started the tour.

The amazing view!

Some group shots. Trying to be Artsy!

The tour started in the baptistery. It was absolutely gorgeous. It had stained windows and a huge alters. We walked up to the second floor where it overlooked the people below, and the alter. Every half hour a guy came out to sing sounds that echoed beautifully throughout the baptistery. It sounded like nothing I had ever heard before. Then we went to Saint Maria's church. It was the largest church I have ever seen. I heard there are giant, beautiful churches in Rome but for now this church was the biggest I've seen. There were four different alters with the main one in the middle. There weren't many pews for people to sit in. I think it was a very small historical church. After we went to the last museum, it had a giant courtyard where we took pictures. Also it had a lot of artifacts from the history of Pisa. We had such a big group it was hard to stay close to Stefano to listen to what he was saying so I mostly walked on my own and took it all in through my eyes.

The Baptistery

 Group Shot. 

Group shot #2 minus me.

In side the Saint Maria Church. 

The Cementery.

Huge group of girls... aka the 40 girls that signed up for the trip. Photo op taken by our tour guide.

 I got some good Leaning Tower Pics!

Then we took a short bus ride to Lucca. I wasn't sure what we would be seeing there because I haven't heard much about Lucca and unless it was planned I wouldn't have thought to go there. We walked through the center of town and got lunch. Lunch was the only disappointing thing of the day. I ordered a ham sandwich (prosciutto) but I felt like I was eating chewy lard aka fat. I couldn’t bite through and there was no flavor or tomatoes to top it with. It made me have the worst stomachache. After lunch we met everyone at a bike shop. They paid for all 40 of us to rent bikes for an hour. You ride them up on the wall that surrounds Lucca. It was so much fun. I felt like I was a child again riding through the streets. We stopped to take pictures along the way and just coast through different spots. It was just the most refreshing thing to do. 

My nasty sandwich....

Bike riding and pictures from along the way. Wish I could go back before I leave, maybe I will!

After the day was over we took a bus back at about 6pm. I passed right out on the ride back. We all made our dinners and took a rest in our rooms. I watched some shows online until we decided to get up and get ready to go out. We hung out in our apartment for a while and didn't actually leave for the club until 12:15 pm. At that point I was about to not go out but everyone was going so I went. Then when we got there after walking 30 min the club owner said our passes wouldn't work and we'd have to pay 10 Euros whether we drank or not. We still went in, I only lasted till 2:30 and half of us walked home. Christy and me watched and episode of Friends like usual and off the bed by 3:30. I had such an exhausting day but it was so worth it!!

I told myself I wouldn't waste my Sunday away and just sleep. I woke up at 11:30am, which really wasn't close to enough sleep. I cleaned up the apartment with Anna and then we went for a run. When we came back Anna, Christy, Krista, Lexa and I decided to explore the town while the other three still slept. We looked around at some shops but I'm not really interested in spending my money on things I can buy in the US. I want to look for nice unique leather things. Then we went on our weekly supermarket food shopping. Christy

As soon as we got back we made our first good dinner. Chicken with lemon and pesto, baked potatoes, salad and garlic bread. Yummmmm were so excited we bought actual good meal food plus to good snacks :) Hopefully I can go do some homework in the quiet and get to bed early since I can't watch the Giants game here since it starts at 12:30 am.... Ciao. 
The betch cave plus two. 

Me and Christy's homemade dinner. So delishhhh. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a day. Glad you ate good food watch that bread.
