Friday, January 20, 2012

Chanti Wine Tour

Today we had a planned trip to the Chanti Wine Tour. We had to be at the train station at 9:30 and we left the house without knowing the route. We were literally running through the city to find the station asking a new person at every corner to help us find our way. Once we got there right on time, we got onto a few buses to take us to the Vineyard/Castle. I loved just looking out to window listening to music on the bus. It was so cool to see the busy city bustle turn into a lovely countryside view. The road was so tiny and windy road. I thought we were going to get into an accident at every turn. The roads here look like their built for one car only and the drivers drive like they are on their way to the hospital not caring for the other cars or even pedestrians.

Once we were there we got a tour of the Castle at which one of the children of the original owners still lives. Anna (the owner) was one of five children to live in the original Castle. When her parents died and all her siblings moved away to escape the pain. She decided to stay and allow tourists to tour her house and vineyard at which they make famous Chanti wine and olive oil.

Then our tour guide took us through the cellar where they kept the bottles and barrels of wine. It was crazy how much wine was being stored.


Then we went and ate at the restaurant that she built for tourist. It was very good. We had pasta with sauce and olives, bruschetta, and tasted two different wines. I really like the Chanti dark red wine. I bought a bottle to take home to my family because it is very famous. After we walked around the vineyard and then through the fields. It was gorgeous except for the fact that it was very muggy and foggy out. I'm glad our school did this because I wouldn't have planned it on my own but it was defiantly something I enjoyed. 

When we got back we shopped for a bit and I made my first real purchase. I bought a pair of knee high taupe boots that are flat. Perfect for walking around here and so comfy. They were only 25 euros and then I bought a headband with flowers that goes over my ears for 3 Euros. Not to pricey of purchases but they were worth it. After I went for a short run and walk around our block. Runs are so much more enjoyable here when the scenery is pretty to look at. 

Since then I've just been hanging out in the apartment, made myself some pasta and and garlic bread, and then we started to plan some trips. It is very very very stressful to try to coordinate what everyone wants to do with the mandatory field trips we have for certain classes and people visiting us. Hopefully it all works out and we get where we want to go. Time is already flying by! Arrevaderci!

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