Sunday, January 15, 2012

january 15th..

Today was our first day to sleep in and it felt amazing I woke up at 12:30pm and made myself some eggs. There no places to get eggs really around here so I had to buy them and make them on my own which I dont mind. Then Anna and I decided to finally go on that run we had been talking about for the last five days. We only went for 20 minutes but it felt amazing and the scenery was amazing to look at as we ran by, making it so much more enjoyable. Now hopefully I can just keep it up everyday or at least every other!

Our day started late (around 3pm) because everyone was just waking up and lounging around. Then we hiked up this hill and set of stairs behind our apartment to see the view that everyone was talking about. I heard it was beautiful but when I actually saw it, it took my breathe away literally. You can see ALL of Florence and all the major buildings. There were tons of people up there with music playing and a few resturants. It was so peaceful. I can see myself going up there between classes and blogging, drawing, reading, or writing in my journal. Here is what it looks like!

We then walked around to try to find a good place to eat but most places close down between 1-4 for their own lunch and siestaaa! So back to the apartment it was to chill until the places open. We looked on this Italy guide that my friends got from their sorority sisters that have done this before. It said to go to this resturant called Ristorante Pizzeria il Gatto e la Volpe and ask for a certain persona nd he'll give you a discount. So we decided to do it and we got a really good deal. For 15 Euros each which is about like 17$ we got unlimited bottles of wine and water, crostini bread app, antipasto, bruschetta, and then three types of pasta served family style. There was penne alla vodka, risotto with chicken, and tortellini with spanich inside. It looks disgusting in this picture but it was delisshhh.

Now chilltime and bedtime. School in the morningggggg!

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