Thursday, January 19, 2012

birthday festivitiess

Here are some pics from last nights club adventure:

 Here is all 8 of the girls from my apartment. We finally got a good group pic. It was a lot of fun and the promoters for the club gave us a bunch of free drinks and a free bottle of champagne. The clubs in Europe are way different then back home in New Haven.
Here is a pic of me, taylor, lexa (the birthday girl) and brittany in order from left to right. 

This morning I was exhausted from the night before and we had class. It is very weird over here in Italy because everyone goes out anynight of the week until 4 or 5 am. My body can not handle that. 

In food class today we watched a movie about shocking foods and how people eat insects and animals that are unusal as delicacies. It made me so grossed out to watch people eat fried cockroaches and pig eyeballs. I almost threw up. 

Right after class I had to eat some good food. My friend Francesca took me to this panini place called il Panino del Chianti. I got a turkey, pesto, and mozzeralla panini. It was TO DIE FOR. It was so good and the best lunch i've had yet because I have usually been making stuff in my apartment to save money but today I was running late. It was so delicous I can't wait to go back and try other kinds.

Then photo class was boring because were still learning techniques which is okay for now but I can't wait to explore the places, people, and customs of Italy through the lens of my camera! 

In Italian class we learned vocab about food and what to say when you go into a store. I like how the class is more based on communication skills instead of grammar. I need to start using my Italian more so it sticks in my head. My roommates and I decided to start talking Italian in our apartment for little things like Hi, bye, how are you etc. We'll see how that goes!

Then we decided to go to a nice dinner for Lexa's birthday. I have been trying to save my Euros for things I really want but some good food is always nice. This was only our third time going out for dinner. The resturant we went to is highly recommended. It was called Acqua Al 2, there are also branches in Washington DC and San Fransicio. The are known for their sampler platters which comes in the first course, second course, salad, dessert, and cheese samplers. You choose which ones you want and then you split it amoung however many people you have. We decided to get the salad, first, second, and dessert. I knew it was going to be an expensive dinner but let me tell you it was SO WORTH IT. 

We bought two salad samplers to share and they each came with a corn salad, greek salad, and a chicken type salad. Very small portions though. 

Then there was pasta. It came out on one small plate and we had to pass around the table for 8 people. Each person got about five noodles for each kind of pasta. While we were passing it around it felt like we were eating nothing but in the end we ate a lot. The types of pasta were: Small shells with cheesey pesto, pasta with spanich, rigotoni with eggplant sauce (my favorite!), and rissoto with pumpkin. In the end I think this was the best choice because we got a little of everything and I tried so many things I would have never tried. 

Then there was the main course which was steak surprisingly. The first red meat i've had in a while. There was a small steak in balasmic dressing, a small steak with blueberry dressing, and then beef strips with tomatoes in a crostini bowl. The blueberry is very well known there for its creativity and I was so nervous to try it. I actually liked it alot, more sweet while the balsamic was tangy. They were all very enjoyable. 

Balsamic to the left and Blueberry to the Right 

Beef strips yumm!

The dessert was to die forrr. There were four tiny slivers of each thing and we split iit between four people so we each got a bite of each one. It didnt seem like enoughh! It was dark chocolate cake, cheesecake with starwberry fruit, tiramisu, and peach pie. I dont really like all of the things but I tried them all once again. Very experimental night. 

The Resturants Desserts

Our Desserts :)

Once we came home we had more desserts planned for Lexa's birthday. We looked everywhere for a cake but instead Krista and Christy got her a canoli, chocolate pic, and a mini cupcake. We sang and all shared some more dessert. I think I've had enough food tonight to last me a while! Now it's off to bed because We have to get up early in the morning for our Chanti Wine Tour hosted by the school. I'm so excited to finally really explore. Ciaoooo. 

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