Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A long exciting week

So I'm sorry to all that follow that I haven't been up to date on my blogging. I have been busier than ever this past week and with traveling all the time I am getting very wore down and tired. Here's what has gone on in the past week.

Last week I did not go out at all during the week because Rome was such an adventure and so draining that I couldn't even get the energy to do things other than school work and sleep. The week flew by so fast and before I knew it we were about to get back on an 8 hour bus ride to Interlaken.
You can tell were a bit excited!

Thursday we all had our first Italian Test. I had made the class pass/fail because learning another language is harder than you think and I didn't want it to hurt my GPA this semester. We all studied together Wednesday night. Everyone went into the test confident and came out confident which was a good thing because no one wants to be cranky on an 8 hour bus ride. Once we got out of class we all had half hour to an hour to pack, eat something, and run to the train station a half hour away. Once we got there I was happy to just relax and hopefully fall asleep on the ride up.

Three hours later and I was not asleep. We stopped once for a bathroom break than dinner. It was approaching midnight and our bus driver told us due to law he was going to have to stop for 15 min breaks every hour. We didn't get to Interlaken until 4:15 am. But at least this time we weren't roaming the city and got dropped off right in front of our hostel. That's the good thing about preplanned trips everything is just made so much simpler but it was more expensive.

We all passed out knowing we had a long weekend ahead. This trip was something I was really looking forward to and knew it would be one of my favorite weekends. We split up in two different rooms based on what activities each of us were doing. Col, Taylor and Brit were staying together because they were planning on waking up earlier the first day to skydive! The rest of us (Christi, Krista, Lexa, Anna and my friend Hannah) were in a 6 person room because we were the ones planning on snowboarding/skiing on that Saturday.

We woke up for the free breakfast which was a piece of toast and jam... literally with some coffee or tea. However, we all brought so many snacks and bread for sandwiches because all of our friends that went prior told us it was ridiculously expensive to eat in Switzerland. We looked at all the activities you could sign up for and we decided we were just going to go ice skating for 6 franks and explore the town. But somehow an hour later we were getting ready to paraglide the Swiss alps! I'm not even sure how it happened. We all just spontaneously decided to do it. I was freaking out not because I was scared but because I knew I was going to be spending a lot on snowboarding the next day and this weekend was going to put a dent in my pocket. I didn't want to end up with nothing left at the end of my abroad experience and have to not have fun the last few weeks. However, I said screw it and did it.

Getting excited to fly over cliffsss.

Feel like I'm on top of the world

Oh Hey Swiss Alps!

I'm glad I did because it was an experience of a life time. We took a 20 minute bus ride up to the top of a mountain. We had to choose who we want to go down with. I choose a guy named Floretine. He was super nice and told me he had been doing this for 10 years so I trusted him. They gave us all extra coats, pants, and helmets because it was going to be very cold in the air. We walked to the launch area and they told us that we were 2,500 meters in the air. After they explained the whole procedure I was excited more than nervous.

We had to run and jump off the cliff over the tree line. I went second after Lexa and I just ran but it was really slow motion. They the parachute lifted and I was floating over the alps. It was so freezing but I tried no to focus on that because it was such a great view. Of course my camera died but he had a camera to take pictures of the view. The view was absolutely amazing and I had never seen something like that before. It was breathe taking. I couldn't hear anything he was saying though because the wind was so loud. My pictures came out amazing I had to buy the CD. On the final landing he asked if I wanted to corkscrew down and I did. It literally made my head spin but was the best part of the whole thing. It lasted about 20 min. When I landed Lexa told me she had puked and I didn't believe her but she really did all over her guy. It was all a good laugh.

Then we headed back to the hostel to make our nutella and peanut butter sandwiches. I felt like I was at an actual ski lodge. Then I sat by the fire and read my book. It was such a cozy atmosphere. Then the people who were skiing the next day went to rent gear and get our tickets. It was another 200 franks. My money was flying but I was so excited.

Life of a student abroad... packed lunches and boxed wine. 

All of our euroadventure group went to fondue at this place called Bebbis. It was cheese, meat than dessert fondue. I had never done something like that so it was really cool and the place was lively and energetic. His name was Nicholas and all the waiters wore cow pants. It was quite a show. I had never tried the raw meat and dipped it in oil. It was all delicious. Then we went back to the lodge and some people went out but I just wanted to go to bed and get rest for snowboarding!


Col and I.

The five of us woke up early and were on the bus at 8:45 with all of our stuff. Walking off the bus was just a crazy feelings seeing the giant mountain in front of you. All the trails were so high up you couldn't even see the trails until you got to the top of the 30 min gondola ride. It was another breathe taking site. Some of the trails were so narrow it looked like I was going to drop off the side of the cliff which was scary for a snowboarder because it is hard to stay straight and I felt like I was going to lose balance. Another thing was that there were SO many flats. Christi and I the only boarders had to keep taking off our boards and walking. However, I didn't care I couldn't believe I was actually snowboarding the Swiss Alps. Everyone on the mountain seemed to be pros. It was mostly terrain and not a lot of park area so it was just my style. We stopped for a quick lunch and had some more nutella sandwiches, which this time were frozen, and then were back on our way. At 2 pm two of the girls stopped but I went back up with Christi and Hannah. I wanted to get a full days worth. I knew I was tired and someone was going to get hurt so we just took it slow. From the point we went to all the way to the bottom was 50 min and we didn't even make it to the tiptop.

So beautiful I can't even believe it. 

Favorite picture :)

I was wiped out after but we showered and went to this Irish Pub for dinner. I got some good ole fish and chips. Everything was so expensive my dinner was 21 franks. We found out that the coast of living is so high in Switzerland and their minimum wage is 17.00 franks. The franks are relatively close to dollars. I think the conversion was .92 franks to 1.00 dollar.

The next morning we got a tour to the lake. It was freezing by the water but so beautiful! The water was so blue and I got some good photos for my photography class. Then we walked around the town, got some souvenirs and then went to the Swiss chocolate factory since we missed the showing the night before. It looked so good but I held back. Then we all met to get back on the bus. Every one's goal was to get back as fast as possible with less stops. We left at about 2:30 pm and got back at 10:30 which was a lot better than the way there and we only made two quick stops. After the weekend was over I felt so disgusted by the food I ate. Traveling really puts a damper on the good meals I get in Florence!

Such a pretty view and the water was so blue. Wish I lived in a place like this. 

However, this past weekend was the most amazing weekend ever (so far)! I never thought I'd be able to say I did the things that I did. Paragliding the Swiss alps or snowboard them. It was such an amazing place and I didn't want to leave. Hopefully I come back with my family sometime because they would really love it seeing as though we are a snowboarding family.

Monday I was so worn out and barely got through my classes without passing out. I wanted to go to bed early but my mom was dying to skype so she could be the first to wish me a happy Valentine's Day :). There was a lot of love going around in Florence on Valentine's Day. There is a giant chocolate fair that goes on in the Piazza Reppublica. There was homemade chocolate everywhere and it goes on all week. Italians really love to show their love.
Dillon and Nikki giving me kisses on Facetime <3

Me and one of my roommates from Penn State Colleen decided a few weeks ago since neither of us had ever had a Valentine date that we would go with each other. So we planned to go to the Hard Rock Cafe of Florence. We went at 8 and had a hour and a half wait but we just went to the chocolate fair in between. I felt like I was on an actual date which was funny. Then we sat and watched the live band and ordered some nachos. It felt as close to home as I was going to get. We talked all night and had a lot of fun. Then we met the rest of our roommates at the bar and had a few drinks and spent Valentine's Day together. It was kinda cute.

Now that I have finally blogged about my great weekend and precious Valentine's Day I feel more up to date on my adventures!

Until next time... Ciao!

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