Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ash Wednesday at the Duomo

After a long relaxing week we all had a long school week ahead. This week was our last school week before midterms and spring break! The time flew by so fast I feel like I'm so unprepared!

Monday was my roommates 21st birthday so we went to a nice dinner at Acqua al Due which we have already been to but it was her favorite so we all decided to go back. We made out own bar crawl list of places to go and tasks to accomplish before the clock stroke midnight. Even though technically it was only 6pm EST. We were going strong on the tasks until one of the promoters bought way to many shots for her. We had quite the adventure on the way home trying to take care of her. In Italy 21 isn't a big age so all night people were giving us looks. 

The next day on her actual birthday we had a cake for her and some people went out to dinner again. My money seems to be flying out to window so I decided to stay in and make the cake. I have been back in my baking mood which feels good. Biscotti over the weekend and a cake during the week. Plus all my dinner meals I have been getting very good at planning and cooking.

On Ash Wednesday I went to the 6pm mass at the Duomo with my friend Michelle. It was the most amazing experience. It was the first time I felt really homesick. I think it was because church just reminded me of my religion and how my family always went to church together. The bishop was there and gave the service. When we went to get the ashes it was placed on the top of our heads and not on our foreheads which I found interesting. It was the biggest church I had ever had a service in. I want to try to go once a week from now on. It was all in Italian so I couldn't really understand but I picked up on a few words. 

Then Michelle, Brittany, Anna and I went to the opera with our school called La Opera Tosca. It was another interesting experience. It was all in Italian but I could figure out the plot. One of my friends read the Wikipedia article before it started which I should have to but our other friend speaks good Italian so she helped us out during the whole thing. It lasted 3 hours with 2 intermissions and I thought I was going to fall asleep at some points but I managed to stay awake. Some of my friends left after first part and some after the second. Very few lasted the whole time! Everyone was all dressed up in dresses and slacks, it was so classy. It was an experience I'll never get again and I'm glad I did it.

Very cultural week and a lot of studying and writing to get to before midterms come! 

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