Tuesday, February 7, 2012

four weeks already

It's crazy how four weeks can change you. It flew by and I can't even remember packing at this point. It was exactly four weeks from today I was packing my last thing, getting in the car with my dad and sister, heading to the airport and saying my final farewell to my family. The time flew bye so fast I can't even believe it. It it's just going to keep flying by because I'm always so busy. I just got back from Rome and in two days I leave for Interlaken. Also all my teachers are starting to talk about our midterms and I feel like I just got here!

Other than that realization I haven't done much today since it's freezing here. We did have an awesome family dinner tonight though. Col made chicken with spanich and tomato, mash taters, broccoli and tomato and mozz salad. Very good dinner.

I also now am starting to get a lot of homework which sucks but I am here for school right...