Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brittany Garon Comes to Visit!

Everything in my life currently is delayed, my posts, my homework, my sleep, basically everything. I have been so tired that I haven't gotten a chance to catch up on all the little things that I have done. The days seem to pass faster and faster each week.

I can't even believe that my best friend from home has already come and gone. It was an amazing week to say the least. The week before she came was right after spring break and I was already so exhausted that I took it easy and just tried to catch up on my paper that was going to be due while she was here. I didn't want to be cooped up in the house writing a paper while she wanted to explore Florence. That week on relaxing didn't seem to help me though. When she arrived I was still so tired.

She came the morning of St. Patrick's Day and I had just had a field trip to Rome the day before (9 hours of walking on my feet). I woke up early though because I could barely sleep with the thought of her coming so soon. Everyone in my apartment had their parents visiting while they were abroad and since mine weren't it was nice to have a piece of home.

When she got her it was actually real, we both talked the whole way to my apartment in the taxi and I explained everything she needed to know about Florence. Everyone said she needed to try to stay up all day so she wouldn't get all messed up with her sleep schedule since were 6 hours ahead of the US. However, she looked so jet lagged when I was touring her around the city we had to go back and she took a three hour nap. When she woke up it was 5 pm and we went right to getting ready for the big night ahead. All my roommates that were in Florence that weekend along with the rest of the abroad students were doing a Bar Crawl to all the American Bars since Italians don't really celebrate St.Patrick's Day! It was a fun night but Brittany looked like she was going to fall asleep the whole time so I took her back. We both slept 12 hours and woke up at noon the next day. It felt good for me as well to get a good nights sleep.

The next day I took her to San Lorenzo's Market and through the main parts of Florence. She was in as much awe as I was when I first got here. She was lucky to have come on such a beautiful week. The weather was so beautiful! We went to this restaurant called Yellow Bar and had to most amazing bruschetta and spaghetti with calm sauce. I was in heaven.

The next day I only had one class at four so we went on an adventure to hike to the top of the Bell Tower. I had been dying to do that ever since I got here but once I found out she was coming I decided to wait for her. I'm glad I did so I had someone to enjoy it with. It was breathe taking to see all of Florence from eye level of the top of the duomo church. I got great pictures. Later that night we went out for my friend Francessca's birthday to the only Mexican Restaurant in Florence and got happy hour margaritas and some burritos. I was dying of happiness which some Mexican food because I miss it so much! Brittany probably wanted some Italian food but it wasn't my choice of restaurant but I sure was pleased.

Tuesday I had a full day of classes and Brittany was on her own. Every second I got I tired to meet up with her to entertain her but I didn't realize how hard it would be with classes. Some of my classes got out early that day and one got canceled for it worked out. I felt like a tour guide on speed, I was going so fast, talking a mile a minute to explain all Florence had to offer. That night Brittany joined us in our weekly family dinners. It was nice to show her what a great environment I was in and all my new friends here. We later all went out to Red Garter our favorite American bar and she got to meet all my other friends.

It was only Wednesday and I was already exhausted. Brit got to sleep in a bit while I had classes but I couldn't. I was slowly dying and getting sick all at the same time. I had the worst nights of sleep because we would try to share a tiny bed or I would get the couch. Both amounted to zero hours of good sleep all week. During my break we went to the Oil Shoppe which is a famous sandwich place. It was as good as everyone says and I wanted my sandwich to reappear as soon as I finished it. That night I was going to take Brit to my favorite place Club 21. We always seem to have an awesome time there and so did she. I was glad she got to do all the things I did on a usual week. However, that night I got a woomping total of four hours of sleep.. with class at 11 am.

The next day was a full day of classes but in each class it was an field trip. I went to a wine tasting for food class (at 11am wasn't such a good idea), a photo museum for photography and then a scavenger hunt around Florence for Italian. While I did all of that my roommate Taylor and my two friends Steve and Josh, toured Brit around and took her too lunch. She seemed to have a good day.

I then took her to Piazzale Michelangolo to see the sunset! I had never been at sunset only during the day so it was nice for me to see too. We had a great heart to heart conversation and watched to sun go down. The view was spectacular. Then it was off to the famous Gusta Pizza. It was quick in and out in thirty minutes but it sure was delicious pizza and cheap too. For the both of us it was 11 euros! Then I took her to my favorite Gelato place. All and all it was a great relaxing day and I needed some sleep. We were going to the beach in the morning. It was in a town called Vareggio which was only an hour and a half train ride but the train left at 8:40. We called it an early night so we could be up and on the beach early!

We ran through Florence, stopped at an ATM, barely bought tickets and flew onto the train in about twenty minutes. I felt like I was in a movie scene. I tried to sleep on the way there but that didn't work or even some sleep on the beach would of been nice but I just couldn't get myself to shut my eyes. The beach wasn't the cleanest ever but it was nice to wear a bathing suit and catch some color in March. They had a strip of restaurants and shops that we strolled along before heading home. It was a nice last day to spend with Brittany.

I promised I would take her to Acqua al Due which is my favorite restaurant in Florence so far. We got back changed and got there. The line was out the door like usual but we were seated by 8:30. We ordered a sampler of each course to share: One salad, one pasta, one steak and one dessert. It seems like not that much food when you get it but by the end I was stuffed like always. She said it was her best meal ever and I was happy not to have disappointed her. After we got a few drinks with the girls and all said our goodbyes.

Me and Brit got home at 3 am and had to pack all of her stuff. The cab was coming at 6 am so we just stayed up all night. I was so sad when I had to bring her to the airport but it's only 5 more weeks till I'm on a plan back to the US as well (crazy to think)! But I got back to the apartment at 9 am. I had been up for 25 hours straight and had the most exhausting week ever. I took some Tylenol pm for my sinuses and I was out like a light until 6:30 pm that night. I woke up sicker then ever and made some soup watched a movie and was back in bed by 10 pm. I was afraid I was going to wake up in the early morning but I slept all the way until 10:30 am the next morning. I slept almost 24 hours and felt much better but still exhausted. This whole semester is catching up to me and the worst has yet to come. April I will be traveling every weekend until I leave.

Ciao for now!

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